Career Cruising is the most extensive tool SHA students have access to in regards to searching for careers and tracking their progress in preparing for these careers through course selection. Every student in grades 7-12 has their own personalized account that they can access and utilize anywhere that they have internet access.
John Holland’s theory states that there are six fundamental personalities which each person expresses: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. A description of each type of personality is listed and students can use this information to help them determine the fields that may fit them best.
Information in 16 CTE (Career Technical Education) clusters including which coursework should be included for successful completion of approximately 79 different areas of study.
This is an excellent resource to help students gain up to date, realistic insight into careers in our economy today. Students can search for any career and be provided with a wealth of information including growth rate, level of education required, and median salary.
Labor market information such as projections and employment rates for the state of Michigan is available here.
Students can access specific information, including growth projections, about any career they are considering. This site also includes information related to the military and paying for college.
Videos and links related to careers in STEM education are prevalent on this site. With STEM careers consisting of many of the top rated jobs in availability and salary, it is important that our students have a strong awareness of what these careers are and how to go about pursuing them.
This site provides tips for encouraging female students to become more interested and involved in pursuing STEM related fields.
A study was completed by Georgetown University that explores how there is increasing amount of good jobs to be found in the U.S. economy and how those with a college degree are in the best position to receive one of these jobs. The key findings are easily accessible from this link and provide substantial evidence to support the need for students to obtain post-secondary educational training.
An article from Pew Research Center based on a survey given in 2013 that polls millennials regarding their college experience, usefulness of college major, and job satisfaction.
O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more!