The Builders Club is a junior high service organization sponsored by our local Kiwanis Club. Its purpose is to develop competent, capable, caring leaders through the vehicle of service. The club has raised funds for Miles for Miracles, Kids Against Hunger Coalition and Trick or Treat for UNICEF where they help eradicate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus from the world. Members have volunteered at the Soup and Sandwich Supper, painted trash cans at the school, and made and delivered Valentines and sang Christmas carols to the residents of assisted living homes.
Advisor: Ms. Katie Hausbeck and Mrs. Mary Kay Yonker
Students in grades 9-12 are eligible to participate in this civic-based program. It gives students an opportunity to increase their civic involvement and encourage civic awareness. Close Up travels every other year. Students typically hold fundraisers to help offset the cost of the trip. In the past, Christmas wreaths have been sold and a garage sale has been held.
Advisor: Mrs. Mary Kay Yonker
Forensics offers students an opportunity to compete in a variety of categories. Forensics explores individual speech events building on voice and diction. Students in grades 9-12 may participate.
Advisor: Mrs. Angie Reid
The Language Arts team participates in the MSAC academic team league. They have three meets a year. Each school sends 12 members to the event where they are given two hours to use their teamwork skills, writing skills and creativity to produce their quality writing. These may include a position paper, a fictionalized journal, etc. Each team may submit at least two, but no more than four entries, which are then judged and scored by league coaches. Students in grades 9-12 are eligible to participate.
Advisor: Mrs. Angie Reid
Model UN is a competitive simulation of a session of the United Nations General Assembly. Teams are required to research a variety of political, economic and diplomatic issues as part of drafting resolutions to be introduced into the general session. They are scored in 5 categories during the UN session held at the Gratiot/Isabella RESD in Ithaca. The categories are: Parliamentary Procedure, Being in Character to the Delegation, Effective Problem Solving, Knowledge of the Session Topic and Knowledge of the UN. The MSAC usually holds three meets per year. Students in grades 9-12 may participate.
Advisor: Mr. Chris Weber
Sacred Heart Academy’s National Honor Society chapter, Cor Jesu, is a group of juniors and seniors who exemplify outstanding scholarship, character, service, and leadership. The purpose of the National Honor Society is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, promote leadership, and develop character in the students of Sacred Heart Academy. NHS is a student-run organization, under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Each year, NHS students participate in a minimum of six service projects each. Past projects include: organizing a charity 5K, running the Homecoming Parade, raking leaves for the elderly, leading school fundraisers, and many more to contribute to the SHA and Mount Pleasant communities. Click here for Membership Selection Process.
Advisor: Mrs. Sandy Dubridge & Mr. Michael Stuart
Pre-med club is for students in grades 7-12 to have the opportunity to learn about the many career choices in the Health Science field. They will meet during options hour in the daily schedule. The students investigate occupations and college choices. We enhance this experience by including guest speakers from the chosen fields of interest.
Advisor: Mrs. Jill Albaugh
A team competition with a format similar to Jeopardy. It is a game of questions and answers based on a variety of subjects including sports, science, history, math and literature. Sacred Heart has been participating in Quiz Bowl since the academic league started in 2003. Our team usually does very well in our league. Quiz Central started in 2005, and we have been participating every year. In 2015 and 2016 the quiz bowl team made it to Nationals in Chicago.
Advisor: Ms. Katie Hausbeck
Similar to regular Quiz Bowl, but students will compete during Catholic School’s Week to answer religion based questions. Students in grades 9-12 may participate.
Advisor: Mrs. Lee Ann Puhlman
Every fall the juniors and seniors attend a daylong retreat held at an off-site location. It is normally held on a Friday in early November. Students leave campus by 8 a.m. and return about midnight. The theme varies each year and generally relates to relationships with God, family and friends. In addition, seniors have a day long retreat the week of graduation. It is usually held at CMU's Neithercut Woods. It is our intent to offer a retreat for each grade in the secondary building.
Advisor: Mrs. Abby Jones
Students in grades 6-12 are eligible to participate. Students have the choice of competing in several different events. They work on their projects leading up to the competition and then compete against other teams. In the past, events have been held to build a trebuchet (catapult), or compete in more knowledge-type events such as the identification of trees.
Advisor: Mr. Michael Stuart
New to SHA in the 2022-23 school year, is the Spanish Club. The club meets every Wednesday during study hall and provides students the opportunity to learn and practice Spanish in a different environment through many fun and interesting experiences, such as planning a field trip to a Mexican restaurant, and attending the next “Spanish Trip” to Peru in the summer of 2024.
The club was founded during the June 2022 Spanish trip, when students had the opportunity to travel to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands with Mrs. Phelps. Highlights of the 11-day South American adventure included visiting the equator, snorkeling with sea turtles, hiking in a cloud forest, and experiencing the biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands. This experience provided a great opportunity for students to see their curriculum come to life outside the classroom and develop a new and valuable perspective of the world.
Advisor: Mrs, Meghan Phelps
Consists of two representatives from each grade 9-12. Students run and are elected by their peers each spring for a one-year assignment. Student senate organizes different events throughout the school year, including homecoming activities, Student for Student events, special fundraisers or collections to assist the needy, and several other activities. Students in grades 9-12 may participate.
Advisor: Mrs. Mary Kay Yonker